Author Archives: Steve Brandt

Very High First Time Pass Rate

The Best Driving Instructors

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Steve Brandt – A bit About Me.
I have been a qualified ADI driving instructor for almost 10 years and as an instructor I am constantly looking to improve the service I provide.
I am keen to get feedback from all my existing pupils and also from anyone visiting my website as to how Black & White Driving School can improve its services and meet any requirements you may have.
I’m qualified to a RoSPA Gold standard ( The highest driving award you can achieve as a the driver of a normal car).
I am also a qualified Fleet instructor meaning I can teach people who drive company cars or vans a safer and more economical way to drive.
Black and White driving School is based in Brighton & Hove offering tuition from total novices to advanced drivers including people who want to become taxi drivers, driving instructors themselves or refresher courses for people coming from overseas or people who have not driven for a long time.

Your First Lesson
What to expect on your first lesson.
I will arrive just before the appointed time and park the car as near to your house as possible so as you might be able to see me.
I will come to your front door so we can meet face to face
Make sure you have both parts of your driving license with you. That is your plastic photo card and the green A4 counterpart. Without both it is not legal for an instructor to let you drive .
I will then take you to a relevant starting point for you lesson. If you are a beginner it should be a quiet, safe and appropriate road. This may take a while to get to but is vitally important for you to be and feel safe.
On the way I will try and put you at ease and get to know you a little.
If you are a total beginner I will make sure you drive at least a short distance the end of your first lesson
I will go over what you have learnt in your lesson and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
I will also explain what you will be doing in the next lesson.
Then you will be dropped off to where your lesson started. I may also sometimes be able to drop you off at a more convenient place.

Choosing the Right Instructor
Choosing the Right Instructor
Driving schools are not all the same, as anyone who has changed driving schools whilst learning to drive will know how different instructors can be.
The biggest mistake that most pupils make is choosing the cheapest driving school.
If you were choosing a college or school to be taught anything else you would look for the BEST and then take the price into consideration after you had looked at a few options and decided what you could afford.
If you pay bottom dollar for anything, how good do you expect it to be ?
When I started Black & White Driving School in 2006 I was intent of giving the highest quality tuition. People who came to me having been taught by various schools came with gaping holes in their knowledge, poor technique and stories almost beyond belief.
Most pupils are nervous when they first start. They are going to be sitting close to and be taught by a total stranger. This means they have to feel comfortable and be made to relax in order that they enjoy as well as learn whilst under the instructors guidance.
The pupil and or the parent wants to be able to trust the instructor, get value for money and feel confident for and after passing their test.
What you should do before start is:-
Ask yourself after that first lesson the following questions:-
• Did they turn up on time or were they late ?
• Did they come to your front door ?
• Did they meet your expectations ?
• Was the car clean ?
• Was the lesson well planned out ?
• Was the instruction during the lesson clear ?
• Was the instructor professional ?
• Did you feel comfortable ?
• Did they drop you off too early ?
• Did you feel like you really learned something ?
• Give them a mark out of 10
If you gave them a mark of below 8 you could be sure to find a better instructor.